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Wegenkaart - landkaart Visitors map Scotland - Schotland | A-Z Map Company (9780008604424)


xplore the whole of Scotland from Dumfries and Galloway in the South to the Orkney Islands in the North. With detailed road mapping and illustrated town plans of major cities, this feature rich, helpful tourist guide is ideal for touring around Scotland. Published at a clear 8.7 miles to 1 inch scale (5.51 cm to 1 km), this handy map is a detailed and informative exploration of what Scotland has to offer.
Highlights include: 8 inset street maps to major cities and popular destinations, including: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling, and Cairngorms National Park, with detailed descriptions and places of interestLocations of visitor centres and tourist information sitesUseful key to map symbols making it a clear and easy readMore than 700 places of interest The perfect map for exploring Scotland whether you are a tourist or a local.


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