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Wandelgids A Guide to Ireland's Mountain Summits | Collins (9781848891647)

lijst van alle toppen in Ierland

  • ISBN / CODE: 9781848891647
  • Editie: 2013
  • Aantal blz.: 128
  • Auteur(s): Mountainviews
  • Uitgever: Collins
  • Soort: Wandelgids
  • Taal: Engels
  • Schrijf als eerste een review
  • 14,90

    Uitverkocht, nooit meer leverbaar Uitverkocht, nooit meer leverbaar


For the first time a list of the 500+ meter mountains of Ireland is published, along with lists of Ireland's 27 County High Points and the island's Hundred Highest mountains, using updated information compiled by the MountainViews community. Sixty mountain areas are covered and information for the summits in each area includes the mountain name in English, a possible alternative in Irish, classification, height, county of location, OS/OSNI map number, map grid reference, and a height rank.


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