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Wandelgids Explore the Great Wall (China) | Rucksack Readers (9781898481171)


Aan de hand van een aantal wandelingen die beperkt worden beschreven, krijg je een goede kijk op de grootsheid van de Muur. Over de hele lengte verspreid een aantal tochten die niet al te lang zijn. Leuke gids om de muur op een originele manier te leren kennen.

The Great Wall of China is the largest construction on earth, yet myths about it are more widely known than facts. The best way to appreciate the Great Wall is to explore it on foot. This richly illustrated book focuses on especially rewarding parts of the Ming Dynasty Wall (1368-1644).

The guidebook offers:

- walking notes on seven sections in detail
- clear site plans of Badaling, Mutianyu and Simatai
- two map panels showing the entire Wall network, plus one panel around Beijing (larger scale)
- practical information about transport and travel
- introduction to Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin and pictographs
- lavishly illustrated, with 70 colour photographs
- rucksack-friendly format

The sections include Laolongtou, where the Wall runs into the sea, and Panjiakou reservoir, a tranquil hike and boat trip. The glorious stretch from Simatai to Jinshanling runs along high ridges with 30 watch towers, and the Badaling and Mutianyu sections are surprisingly accessible from Beijing. The book sets the Ming Wall in the context of wall systems developed by different dynasties since the seventh century BC.



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